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Home / science / research institute and centres / Center ruhani zhangyru and sherkhan studies


Kembayeva Ainur Turarovna

Director of the center

Phone number: 87771704185

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Kembayeva Ainur Turarovna in 2003 graduated from Taraz State University.M. H. Dulati Faculty of "World Languages" on specialties " Kazakh language and literature»;

In 2004, M. Myrzakhmetuly completed the master's degree in the specialty "Philology" under the direction of Doctor of philological sciences, professor, laureate of the state Prize. She defended her master's thesis on the topic: "artistic and thematic features of M. H. Dulati's saga "Zhakhannama", as a result of which  was included in the scientific step " master of philology»;

From 2004-2009, she worked as a teacher of the Department of "Kazakh Language and Literature" of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K. A. Yasawi;

From 2009-2011-Senior lecturer of the Department of "Philology" of the Taraz Innovation and Humanities University;

In 2011, she was appointed director of the center " Sherkhantanu»;

In 2013, she was awarded the degree of Associate Professor of the Regional Academy of Management;

In 2016, she was awarded the medal "Excellent Student of Culture" of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During her pedagogical and scientific-creative activity, she has published about 40 scientific and methodological works. The most basic of them are the textbook "Kazirgikazaktilinin phonetics", published in 2006 and the textbook "Sherkhantanu" in 2018. Since 2011, the management of the center has published a multi-volume collection "KazaktynSheragasy".

The history of the center:

Since 2009, the research center "Sherkhantanu" has been successfully operating at the Taraz University of Innovation and Humanities.

From 2009 to 2011, the center was headed by Doctor of Ph. D., Professor S. Kulbarak, from 2011 to the present, the center is headed by A. Kembayeva. Since September 2020, the center has been transformed into the research center "Sherkhantanu and RukhaniZhangyru".

Goals and objectives of the center:

The purpose of the Scientific Research Center "Sherkhantanu and Rukhanizhangyru", which operates at the Taraz innovative and humanitarian University, is to lead the project research work of a people's writer, a prominent public figure, the pride of the people of Sh.Murtazy and the organization of joint work with scientists who study its creative activities.

The main tasks of the center are the establishment of strict relations with the writer, the collection of important materials related to his creative laboratory, as well as the possibility of holding meetings and meetings with writers, his students, the receipt of information about his writing work, the teaching of well – known productions and ways to search for creativity, own publication and processing in the price source of the archive.

The main task is to attract students to scientific work. In connection with these students, courses, diplomas and master's works on the creation of Sh.Murtazy, with the participation of well-known writers, and organizational works on conducting the regional literary competition "Sherkhanovskyreadings"are offered.

"In order to achieve the objectives set by the head of state in the program article "" bolashakkabagdar: Ruhanizhangyru ""in 2020, the center was recommended as ""Sherkhantanu and Ruhanizhangyru""."

The scientific direction of the center: The

work of the center is not limited to the study of the creativity of the people's writer Sh.Murtaza. To date, the SIC "Sherkhantanu and RukhaniZhangyru" is also engaged in the study of artistic and historical figures at the regional level, as well as general problems in the field of literary activity.

Achievements of the center:

The center "Sherkhantanu", established in 2009, still carries out a lot of work. In 2010, the 1st book of the collection of multi-volume works "KazaktynSheragasy"was published. On the basis of archival materials accumulated in the center, 2 photo albums were made. In addition, the 2nd book of the philosophical work "Birkemdunie" was published in the amount of 1000 copies. For the 80th anniversary of the writer's birth, 2 collections of the republican conference "Creativity of SherkhanMurtaza and Kazakh Rukhaniyaty", 5 collections of creativity of young poets "TauelsizdikZholy", "Tarikhkatagzym" were released, and most importantly, the textbook "Sherkhantanu"was published for the first time in Kazakhstan. In this regard, at the initiative of the "Sherkhantanu" Center, since 2018, the "Sherkhantanu" course has been introduced and studied in many schools of the Zhambyl region.

"Sherhantanu" is a unique place of education and science, verbal art, search and work. The Center regularly plans and conducts events, contests, aitys, meetings on various topics. Many of them are dedicated to 1st year students to adapt to university life. Students who won prizes at such competitions were awarded special diplomas, valuable prizes, and most importantly, the "Sherkhan Scholarship" to a student who works closely with the center and deeply penetrates the writer's work.

One of the main tasks of the center is to attract students to scientific work. Students are offered the topics of coursework, theses, and master's works on the life and work of Sh. Murtaza. To date, about 20 theses and master's theses have been successfully defended. In addition, "SherkhanMurtaz Lessons" will be organized for students with the participation of famous writers, as well as local literary figures.

The number of participants of the traditional republican contest "Sherkhanokulary", held by the SIC "Sherkhantanu and RukhaniZhangyru" within the framework of the program "Bolashakkabagdar: rukhanizhangyru", is about 1000 students per year. The winner of the grand prix of the competition receives a "Grant of the rector of TIGU", the 2nd place-50%, the 3rd place-25% discount on training.

Employees of the center:

BeknazarovBakhtiyarArmanuly-Chief specialist of the department, has been working since 2018.

BaysakalovaZhadyraManatovna-a leading specialist of the department, has been working since 2011.


Location: 69 B Zheltoksan Street, main building of TIGU, 1-202

Cell phone: 87771704185 Office

phone: 8 (7262) 54-30-39

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Instagram: Sherkhantanu