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Teachings of Sherkhan

Sherkhan Studies


On February 3, 2023, during his working visit to the Zhambyl region, the President of Kazakhstan paid tribute to the prominent statesman and public figure, people’s writer Sherkhan Murtaza, by laying flowers at his monument.

In that spiritually significant setting, the head of state emphasized the great contribution of Sherkhan Murtaza to the development of national spirituality during a meeting with representatives of the region's intelligentsia. “If we say Sherkhan is a unique citizen of our nation and a towering writer, we are not exaggerating,” said K. Tokayev. “Since our youth, we have all read the novel ‘Qyzyl Zhebe’ and other works of his. In particular, the piece ‘Bir Kem Dünye’ is still relevant today. It can be said that it has served as a spiritual nourishment for our people, especially the youth,” he stated, giving an honest evaluation.

Indeed, the value of an assessment depends on who provides it. The President expressed gratitude for the care extended to students at the higher education


institution named after the revered writer Sherkhan Murtaza, which enjoys a special status and reputation in the region.

Therefore, Sherkhan's creative heritage and his unparalleled work as a statesman will always serve as an indelible example for the youth.

In 2012, Sherkhan attended a ceremonial event in Moscow (Zelenograd) related to naming a school after the great hero Baurzhan Momyshuly. He said: “The nation will never forget a unique hero like Baurzhan, who faced fire for the homeland and selflessly devoted his life to the people. You know him. I consider the naming of a school in Moscow after him to be a vivid testament to his unquenchable heroism. His spirit, born from truth and brave deeds, will raise a generation that truly loves its homeland.”

As he stated, in the flow of times and eras, Sherkhan Studies will continue to serve as an inexhaustible legacy for educating and shaping the younger generation, helping them to appreciate the happiness of a free nation and the bright dawn it heralds.

This embodies a policy of statehood and national sentiment! It is an ideology that cultivates diligence and perseverance for the future of our vast country.

Meirambek TOLEPBERGENWell-known journalist and publicist, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan


The True Balancer - History or How the Play “Letter to Stalin” Was Written

People’s Writer Sherkhan Murtaza wrote his famous play “Letter to Stalin” with encouragement from the renowned figure and talented artist Askar Suleimenov. One day, this respected colleague prompted Sherkhan by saying, “There’s a burning topic that society demands. In this era of openness, this historical topic is very relevant, and if you don’t write it right now, it will all be too late.” This made Sherkhan ponder the situation.

It was a challenging time. The theme weighed heavily on him. The tragedy of an era was at stake. Alongside the power of the pen, the strength of the heart was also necessary. However, a special compassion for his nation led him to take this step.

Having already gained recognition in the literary world for his five-volume novel “Qyzyl Zhebe” about the resolute son of the Kazakh people, Turar Ryskulov, Sherkhan's first work in dramaturgy was born. He wrote it quickly, and the remarkable piece brought unprecedented acclaim to the drama theater stage in Almaty. The play was a success.

Thus, Sherkhan established himself with just one play. In this work, the writer's steadfast stance is clearly visible, with the main characters being Stalin and Ryskulov.

“No matter how much the truth is concealed, rays of light will always break through the veil. True history is like that. The true balancer is history,” says Turar Ryskulov. “History will put everything in its place.”

In one excerpt, Turar Ryskulov expresses:

“If Kazakhstan survives, I will be grateful for that until my dying day. My people, stay safe! I am ready to become your sacrifice. And to those who fell victim to great mistakes! Forgive me! May fate protect your spirits from those who forget you on a full stomach!” (from the play “Letter to Stalin”).

To understand the realities of the Soviet era, the bloody massacre of 1937, and the fates of the victims of political repression, one must read Sherkhan’s literary works.

We must not forget. Forgetfulness is a misfortune for the nation.


"The issue is that there is much said, but little done. No matter how much you shout about freedom, the real master is money. If the state pays, you speak the government's words. If the party pays, you speak the party's words. If wealthy individuals finance you, you sing their praises. However, there are very few who stand on their own, splitting hairs for a living.

There are honest, sincere journalists and writers. Such individuals often meet with tragic ends. They get shot. On the other hand, there are also scoundrels sold for money. Under someone else's banner, the toxic venom of slander and calumny drips from their pens.

Just as the world is diverse, so too are the press and journalists. So how will justice prevail? How will truth win?”(“Atatürk. National Spirit”).

September 28 is Sherkhan’s Birthday.On this occasion, the International Taraz Innovation Institute named after Sh. Murtaza will organize several events.

Sherkhan's rich legacy is a national treasure for the Kazakh people!


The life of the prominent statesman and public figure, People's Writer Sherkhan Murtaza, continues to echo the vital voice of society and the people, standing as a pinnacle of bravery, as clearly as the rising moon!

Eras acknowledge towering figures.Sherkhan is such a towering personality!The present and future of Tazar, a city he loved dearly, become more renowned by honoring the spirit of Sherkhan.

In the very heart of the city, on Sherkhan Murtaza Street, the beautiful park in front of the International Taraz Innovation Institute named after Sherkhan Murtaza showcases a magnificent monument to the national figure, radiating light and warmth both day and night.

The Sherkhan Studies Center at this higher education institution has also become a beloved creative hub for the youth.

When we think of Taraz—also known as Aulieata or the Jambyl region—Sherkhan’s greatness comes to mind. His peak and truth rise before us.

On September 28, the birthday of our esteemed elder, the ancient city will be embraced by the spirit of enlightenment.

THE WORLD IS YELLOW GOLD…(Regarding my friend Zholtai Jumat Almasuly's recent letter)

A lot of words are like coal, while few words are like gold.Zholtai, in your letter (7. XI), you touched upon the harmful phenomenon of bullying and its consequences under the isolated topic "Bullying, Indifference, and...". This is a heavy topic, a very heavy topic. You mention bullying, which is a dangerous phenomenon both outwardly and inwardly. It requires social research, methodological approaches, and scientific conclusions. What will be its scope in society? Indifference… it surfaces when rationality is lost. What else could it be but a

regression from a fundamentally harmful character? In short, this bullying could be described as a character flaw or bizarre behavior stemming from the inability to bear the achievements or heights someone else has reached, or simply from envy, right?!

This is not good. It is a malice that clings stubbornly. The injustice of disgusting actions. We concluded that it is about the negative behaviors that harm the image of a solid nation and the consequences of thoughtless aggression.

If we are not extremely cautious in the education of the youth, we will suffer consequences from nothing.In general, in this chaotic era, boasting about the past and praising it does not seem like a great example; it appears as a life filled with deceit. Zholtai, you know well that in the past, meetings with working individuals, interactions with poets and writers in village clubs, and encounters with scholars were especially significant, as the gatherings of wise individuals’ reflections would take place splendidly. The impressions gained from that would inspire young people to emulate prominent figures and create new aspirations and struggles to engrave life with work and knowledge. But now it is entirely different. As public consciousness and intellect grow, there are also changes in sensitivity and discernment. We have begun to refrain from boasting, especially since if we have become weary of constant bragging, it seems we have indeed reached our limits.

When we think of the untainted life of Kazakh people, we envision everything being righteous, compassionate, pure-hearted, and good. At the same time, we must acknowledge that since the time of Abai and even before, ignorance, indifference, absurdity, illiteracy, thoughtlessness, tribalism, divisiveness, pettiness, laziness, sloth, penny-pinching, deceit, insatiability, ignorance, theft, corruption, begging, complaint, bribery, and moral degradation have never been absent from society’s upbringing. The deep-seated poverty exists as well… Various calamities that exhaust people spiritually push them toward cunning and crime, often leading to regret when they reach their limits.

Here, Zholtai, you consistently write in your beautiful works and letters, tirelessly elaborating on the characteristics of the core national consciousness and the resulting thought processes.If we speak honestly, you hope that words and thoughts, actions and life will improve. Indeed, if the terms and conditions are favorable, they will bring a breath of fresh air to societal development.

Essentially, a state built solely on lies will eventually collapse, as lies cannot take root; they wither, as you have rightly pointed out. This is a known fact from ancient history. Nowadays, some individuals holding significant positions, both in name and reality, do not hold themselves accountable and have become accusatory and deceptive toward the people. Lacking taste and literacy, they waste their valuable time on meaningless things without even pondering the truth.

The deceptive paths of life are sometimes a cliff, sometimes a sheer rock face. Those who have deeply immersed themselves in the intricacies of corruption show no signs of relenting or diminishing. One might wonder when they will be satiated or when they will stop. While many are being punished according to their crimes and imprisoned, the commission of crimes within their positions continues unabated. This indicates that society has long been rotting from within, driven by greed, and has taken on the characteristics of a routine life. It seems as if they are passing on the "corruption baton" from hand to hand.

If you observe those who have lost their fortune, you will see that they were once a group of fools who took advantage of their positions and plundered public property.

Innocents should not be punished, but the people demand that those who have greedily set their eyes on state property, disregarding honor and morality, should receive harsh punishment according to the law for their crimes. Some years ago, a prominent figure in Kazakhstan, a poetess, openly said, "Why do people crave power? Because where there is power, there is wealth," and when she wrote about the unlawful paths of privilege, a bureaucrat argued, "Oh, sister, that cannot be. There is no wealth where there is power." Those living with corruption must have felt ashamed to speak out, while ordinary employees understand the situation internally and dismiss it as irrelevant to them. Nevertheless, there are always glimpses of some tricky dealings between the public and authority. The truth cannot allow for its expression.

Cleaning up a corrupted place is not easy. Above all, if a young child, adolescent, or young person encounters injustice instead of fairness and cruelty instead of honesty in their surroundings, and if society turns a blind eye, fails to provide protection, and fear and distrust prevail, what will happen?! Sacrificing one’s soul… being driven to it. Just thinking about it is difficult. Do not think of sorrow and suffering lightly… Statistics can be terrifying.

In today’s context, the lessons and teachings for healing society leave us with such profound thoughts.Fortune and misfortune are always in competition, with one reaching through honesty and the other’s life failing to grasp wealth through greed. The subject of human upbringing should be discussed on a level not seen before. Not only in thought but openly in society, the saying "The measure of honor is honest labor" should be prominently displayed as the main slogan. However, this vital phrase is increasingly disregarded even by the work collectives themselves.

Many times, it has been rightly stated that our country must restore and reinforce the sacred value of honest labor as a societal treasure and safeguard it. An equitable Kazakhstan and honest people are considered synonymous, it was said. Thus, the wealth of society and its renewed values should be based on educating people in the spirit of honesty as a foundational ideological task.

In this regard, we must openly state that only if the historical consciousness of the people develops can we become a strong nation. The national history needed by future generations must be taught correctly, passed down from century to century. Then, the present generation will awaken, shake off the shackles of a subservient mentality that weighs them down, stand upright, and gain confidence, while the future generation will be imbued with national pride, growing in stature and strength.

Where historical justice is established, the realm for any lie diminishes.In recent years, many changes have been made in our country in response to the need for social justice. However, occasionally hearing the phrase "Same old rock, same old rock" is not a coincidence. We must pay close attention to this. Although it may relate to personal situations, discontent with local authorities often leads to such sentiments being expressed. Moreover, those expressing such opinions are not few. For example, in a remote village in the Zhambyl region, residents have enjoyed the benefits of natural gas for several years, but the "Kazpost" building in that village remains cold as it reportedly lacks funds to connect to the gas pipeline. Elderly people, who visit to collect their pensions or for other needs, are struggling to enter that stone building in the biting cold. Neither the mayor, nor the deputy, nor community activists can solve this issue. After this, whom can ordinary people tell their complaints to or seek help from?!

"Where is your listening government?" they might ask.Regardless of the level, only when individuals come to power who think of the people's welfare rather than their own pockets will we surely achieve our stated goals.

If we continue the thoughts expressed earlier regarding improving the quality of life and establishing shared values, there should be tangible and impactful results from systematic measures. Honest labor is an unparalleled force in nurturing a person. Then, understanding and respect, warm kindness, and unity will become solid in homes, schools, universities, and workplaces. Genuine friendships will form. The feelings of caring and compassion for one another will deepen. I once read a saying: "Being happy is not about abundance; being unhappy is not about poverty." It is not about public approval, but rather a person should live within their own heart. This is certainly a wise saying. It is impossible to live without constantly reflecting on the eternal significance of the famous words of our ancestor Al-Farabi regarding education and knowledge.

Yes, "The world is yellow gold; it deceives many" (Tole Bi).What can I say? In those times… With greed for the world, neither the eye nor the soul is ever satisfied. The end of many a king or a ruler's life has concluded in regret, stories and legends recount. Today, what can the trust of the generations that grew up hearing those tales and reading such accounts now be? Can we refrain from calling the loss of human qualities, the malice and the negative attributes, by their proper names? Just think about it.

What could the universal principles and timeless meanings of great education aim for if not to enable people to live a happy life?Have you ever seen the proverb "Learn from the good, shun the bad!" written in a prominent place in our Kazakh culture? Unfortunately, you don’t often see such things. Why is that? Because, currently, in the global society, the idea that only wealth and money can lead to success is surging forward, causing a frantic rush to gain it.

Ultimately, whether one can sincerely become wealthy without work or not!The first question is whether the meaning of life can be put into words, and the answer is: Let’s start living, and the rest will follow. No matter how many struggles the people face, only the understanding of what must be learned will strengthen their roots. Everyone has their own historical burdens, their own judgments, and their own beliefs. It is essential to forge ahead toward the light through hard work and honest labor, as every hardship carries the seed of victory.

That is how we shape the destiny of our people.

“We are still following the old path,” it seems, is finally being understood, as many people who did not suffer from the drawbacks of the old system have begun to share their interviews and conversations on social media. Is it to cleanse themselves in front of society, or is it their own choice? It is hard to say. The most important thing is that they are unable to openly discuss the reasons for the regrettable situation that has led to the plundering of the country's wealth and the people's resources, while they continue to pull out the lessons from the past in a weak manner. One should not forget the wise words attributed to a few sages: “Do not fear your enemy; they may shoot you. Do not fear the traitors; they may sell you. Fear the indifferent; they do not shoot or sell, but all the evil on earth is done with their silent consent.” Yes, there was a time when power was concentrated in one hand, when they flattered, and when they turned a blind eye to the corruption that had taken root in society, demonstrating helplessness as well. Therefore, what prevents them from clearly

explaining to future generations what they should be cautious of and what they should fear in order to be a happy nation, both in political service and in the public sphere? It would be better if they responded openly with thoughts about responsibility and civic dignity that would significantly contribute to the prosperous development of a new Kazakhstan. Only their profound thoughts, wise reflections, and truth-based perspectives can earn the people's trust. The genuine integrity of prominent figures who “grew” from the countless messes of the old system, rather than their self-serving, ignorant attitude, can truly enlighten minds. Then, society will break free from silence and be propelled toward development, enriched with state-mindedness and patriotism.

As the sky of honesty may not have been clear, the extent to which society was cloaked in lies during the old system, accustomed to empty promises and corruption, is undeniable. The time to shatter this perspective is not far off; it is coming. As a citizen of this country, I also look forward with confidence to the efforts of new people and a new generation that will bring about political aspirations and social upheaval.

Zholtai, may your fortune grow, and your dignity increase. If the people prosper and justice prevails in our lives, it is indeed true that we will be a happy nation. However, as I mentioned at the beginning, the land wealth, the national wealth, and the wealth of heroes passed down from our ancestors are precious.

We must learn from the examples of those who have become intoxicated with money and gold, who have plundered the state's wealth, and see that cleansing society of negative and dangerous phenomena is a sacred duty, one that cannot be viewed lightly in terms of our national pride. Justice must be upheld this way.

My friend, you understand this.

Can there be a greater dream, goal, hope, and faith than the words inscribed on this stone in the inscription of Kultegin? Let’s read:“My brother became khan,He advanced the Turkic people.He elevated them.He made the poor rich,And the few many.”This is a continuation of the kindness and national dream that has persisted for millennia.

In Kazakh, there is a saying: “Is ‘glutton’ a good title?” This phrase points to the fact that over the past thirty years, many good things have been tainted by insatiability and greed, deeply hurting society. It has cast shadows on our radiant deeds and sullied our honor. It has turned abundance into scarcity, while a certain group has gained wealth through corruption, ignoring public opinion as ordinary people suffer in the pursuit of truth. In the face of such despair, the world seems chaotic. Ultimately, a downfall will come for such individuals.

Time will set everything right. We must never forget this, today, tomorrow, and beyond. There is nothing more sacred than the pristine purity of honor and dignity. Society's essence and nature love honesty, and life is meaningful only through authenticity. No matter how often we repeat this, it is never too much.

From each radiant dawn, we expect only goodness. Zholtai, these are the thoughts I wanted to share with you.

Take care!Respectfully, your friend, Meyrambek TOLEPBERGEN.11.11.2023, Almaty.