Head of the Department
Phone number: +7 702 107 28 44
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About the department
The Department of Standardization and Certification was established in the 2008-2009 academic year on the basis of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Taraz Institute of International Technical University named after H. A. Yasavi.
The department has trained bachelors in the specialties 5B073200 – Standardization, metrology and certification, 5B012000 – Vocational training, 6M073200-Standardization and certification, 6M012000-Vocational training.
In the 2017-2018 academic year, it was reorganized into the Department of Standardization and Veterinary Sanitation.
The department trains bachelors in the specialties 5В073200 – Standardization and certification, 5В120200 – Veterinary sanitation and masters in the specialty 6M073200 – Standardization and certification. To conduct the educational process in these specialties, the department had educational halls equipped with the necessary material and technical base, with free Internet connection, 2 electronic reading rooms, 3 professional laboratories.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, it was reorganized into the Department of standardization and veterinary medicine.
The department trains specialists in the bachelor's degree of the educational program 6B07501- "Standardization and certification" and the bachelor's degree of the educational program 6B09101 "veterinary sanitation", the master's degree of the educational program 7M07501 "Standardization and certification".
From the 2023-2024 academic year, it accepted applicants for the educational programs 6В07503 - "Standardization, certification and quality control" and 6B09102 "Veterinary medicine".
In this regard, the ITII named after Sherkhan Murtaza launched the Scientific Research Center of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry to hone the practical skills of students in the field of Veterinary Medicine.
For dual training and practical skills of students in the direction 6B07503-"Standardization, certification and quality control", a partnership agreement has been concluded with ZHAMBYL STANDART Standardization, Certification and Metrology Group LLP.
Currently, 3 doctors of technical Sciences, 3 candidates of technical Sciences, 1 Master's degree and 2 invited production specialists are lecturing in the direction 6B075-standardization, certification and metrology. In the direction 6B09-Veterinary Medicine, lectures are given by 1 doctor of agricultural sciences, 2 candidates of veterinary sciences, 1 master's degree, 2 specialists and invited specialists 3 production.
There is an Expert circle at the department. About 40 students are involved in the circle.
In the successful implementation of the priority directions of the national education system in the context of entering the global educational space, university teachers are constantly improving their professional skills, educational and methodological experience.
Composition of the department
Educational programs
The Department of Standardization and Veterinary Sanitation prepares bachelors and masters in accordance with state mandatory education standards for the following levels of education:
6B07501 – «Standardization and certification (by industry)»
6В09101 – «Veterinary sanitary»
6B07503 – «Standardization, certification and quality control (by industry)»
6B09102 – «Veterinary Medicine»
Master ' s degree
7M07501 – «Standardization and certification (by industry)»
7M07502 – «Standardization and certification (by industry)»
The department develops educational programs 6B07501-Standardization and certification (by industry), 6B09101 – veterinary sanitation and 7M07501-Standardization and certification (by industry) (scientific and pedagogical direction), 7M07502–Standardization and certification (by industry) (profile direction). 1 academician of Sciences, 2 doctors of Sciences, 7 candidates of sciences, 2 masters, 4 qualified specialists and 5 specially invited specialists give lectures in this OVPO. Two research projects are being conducted at the department.
Teaching staff of the department, students and undergraduates take part in the research work.
1. A promising topic: "improvement of equipment and technology to ensure the quality and safety of domestic and imported goods and services (by industry)." Completion date 01.2019-12.2022 Registration number 0119RKI 0033.
2. Standard contract No.21/01 dated 12/24/2019 "Parasitological studies of livestock for invasive diseases". Completion date: 12/24/2019-12/20/2022. Reports and research results (report, Implementation Act, article) are submitted according to the calendar plan. About 20 students in the specialties "Standardization and certification" and "veterinary sanitation" take part in the circle "expert" of the department "Standardization and veterinary sanitation". Reports and results of scientific research (report, Act of implementation, article) are submitted according to the calendar plan. Work is constantly being carried out to expand partnerships with enterprises and organizations that have hired graduates of the department. It should be noted that the director of MF RSE " Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification " Mynbayev A. K. and the director of MF JSC " National Center for Standardization and Certification " Akhmetova D. S. are employed at the department for a double position. The departments have signed an agreement on the introduction of dual training elements into educational and professional practices for JSC "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification" and JSC "National Center for Expertise and Certification" for the specialties "Standardization and Certification". The branch of the department contributes to the adaptation of the educational process to the needs of the employer, the joint creation of a training center for specialists, labor market research, allows you to make proposals to improve curricula and programs in accordance with the specific requests of organizations. In the Zhambyl branch of the RSE "KazStIn", teachers of the department improve their skills without interrupting the educational process, as well as conduct various events with this enterprise, and together with the Department of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology in the Zhambyl region, various competitions and seminars are organized 6B07501-Standardization and certification (by industry) information on Standardization and certification professional The certification engineer's activity is divided into several types:
- production and technical;
- organizational;
- scientific research;
- design.
Production and technical activities:
- development and implementation of measures to improve product quality;
- improve existing standards, technical specifications and develop new documents on standards;
- verification of documents for product certification and their compliance with Kazakh and international standards.
Organizational and managerial activities:
- planning and organization of standardization and certification activities; - systematic verification of standards and technical conditions used in production;
- constant monitoring of compliance with the rules and requirements for products approved by the organization;
- determining the level of the defect, taking measures to eliminate and prevent it;
- organization of control over the activities of assessing the quality of finished products;
- preparation of technical specifications and proposals necessary for the development of standards and certification;
- organization of inspections of certified products, services and systems;
- control over the work on checking incoming materials and finished products to the enterprise.
Research activities:
- development of theoretical models that study product quality and technical processes;
- to develop and develop a plan for testing and quality control of products;
- the use of problem-oriented methods of analysis and optimization of quality management processes, metrological support, standardization and certification.
Project activities:
- development of design and technical documentation;
- creation of a project for the development of new methods of quality management, metrological support and standardization or improvement of existing methods;
-choosing the most effective way to solve the problem;- development of innovative technical and technological solutions; - design of technical specifications, standards, methods and instructions. The advantages of the profession a diploma in the specialty allows you to work in any field of industry, in the field of science, that is, in any industry where measuring devices are available. This profession is in great demand in international companies.
Place of work:
- centers of standardization, metrology and certification;
- testing laboratories;
- institutions for the examination of goods;
- state and non-state institutions that control the quality of products (trade inspection, sanitary and epidemiological control, Gostechnadzor) ;
- consumer protection institutions; - any organizations introducing a new type of product;
- quality manager in any industry; - Customs service, tax police, patent office.
Information on OP 6B09101 - "Veterinary sanitation". The purpose of the educational program 6B09101 is "Veterinary sanitation": training of highly qualified veterinary and sanitary doctors. The main goal is to study the issues of ensuring biological and food security, prevention and elimination of infectious diseases of animals. In this regard, the content of the educational program is aimed at obtaining knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of biological and food safety in accordance with the requirements of the veterinary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international veterinary organizations (OIE, FAO, WHO, etc.). Qualifications and list of positions: The graduate of this educational program is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine according to the educational program 6B09101 - "Veterinary sanitation". The term of study in the specialty 6B09101 – "Veterinary sanitation" is 5 years, the form of study is full-time, distance learning on the basis of secondary special education, the term of study is 4 years; the term of study on the basis of higher education is 3 years, the form of study is full–time, specialty 6B09101 – "veterinary sanitation" qualification and position of graduates of the bachelor's degree, RK Labor and Social Protection dated May 21, 2012 No. 201-p-m (state registration). The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 06/25/2012 No. 7755, as amended on 04/17/2013) is determined in accordance with the "qualification schedule of specialists and other employees". Qualification characteristics of the educational program:
Graduates of this field:
- participation in the development of state programs for the development of economic sectors in the agro-industrial complex;
- collecting material and conducting veterinary laboratory tests;
-detection, prevention and elimination of infectious diseases of animals;
-planning the organization of general and preventive measures against non-communicable and infectious animal diseases and organization of veterinary activities;
- carrying out veterinary and sanitary examination of livestock and combustible raw materials and products of plant origin;
- carrying out veterinary and sanitary control over the production, transportation, sale of fuels and vegetable raw materials and products;
- prevention from diseases transmitted by combustible products and raw materials common to humans and animals in general (anthropozoonoses) ;
- protection of the territory of the state from the penetration of pathogens common to humans and animals, as well as from particularly dangerous zoonoses when importing combustible raw materials and products;
- environmental protection from pathogens transmitted through unsuitable products and raw materials-production and control of veterinary biological preparations, feed and feed additives; - provides veterinary consulting services to the population; - participates in epizootic monitoring; -participates in research in the field of veterinary medicine; -organizes educational work among the population on environmental issues
- participate in preventive work aimed at preventing the spread of infectious and invasive diseases of animals, birds and fish, as well as anthropozoonoses;
- Contributes to the fulfillment of the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the requirements of international conventions in the field of veterinary medicine, etc.
- assistance in the implementation of research results in production;
- attracting employers, finding partners for research;
-control over compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules in the production and sale of fish products, poultry products, livestock, and crop production.
Forms of professional activity:
- enterprises for the sale, storage, processing, production of feed and food products of animal and vegetable origin;
- laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination in domestic shopping centers;
- checkpoint of the State Customs Service;
- enterprise for the production and control of biologically active substances and biological preparations;
- vehicles for the transportation of animals, combustible and vegetable products;
- fuel and vegetable raw materials and finished products, bee and fishery products;
- state and own veterinary specialized institutions, research institutes.
- educational institutions and the military veterinary service.
Professional development
The Department of «Standardization and Veterinary Sanitation» is constantly working to improve the professional qualifications of the teaching staff. Each teacher of the department annually improves their qualifications at various professional courses, seminars, and trainings. In the 2019-2020 academic year – 23 certificates, in the 2020-2021 academic year – 16 certificates, in the 2021-2022 academic year – more than 20 certificates. Special attention is paid to teaching English, advanced training courses on innovative teaching methods and advanced training in specialized disciplines. A number of disciplines are taught by teachers in English.
Achievements of the department