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Street law Project

"In order to implement the concept of improving the legal education for 2017-2022, Department of Justice of Zhambyl region provides free training courses for students of the Faculty of" "Law" "of the International Innovation Institute Taraz within the framework of the project ""Street law""." 

Within the framework of the" Street law "Project, students of the 2nd-3rd year of the specialty" jurisprudence", who work in the Law Clinic, took part in the course from May 17 to 28, 2021. 

According to the program of the course, students took part in the following events:: 

1. 17.05.2021 from 11:00 to 13: 00 in the clinic "Law", located in the 301 classroom of the Faculty of law, Kalieva Asiya Zinullaevna, President of the public fund "Kogamdyk kelisim", spoke about the topic: "What is human trafficking? Trading stages. What you need to know in order not to become a victim of human trafficking". from 11:00 to 13:00, Taraz, 17 I. Suleimenov STR. (3rd floor), Sabira Adilbekovna Mombekova, a legal consultant of Zhambyl region, conducted practical work. 

3.on 19.05.2021, from 11:00 to 13:00, An employee of the Department of Justice of Zhambyl region Raikhan Alikhanovna Tazhieva gave a lecture on inheritance law in the clinic "Law", located in the 301 auditorium of the Faculty of law. 

4.from 11: 00 to 13: 00 on 20.05.2021, 1/3 Rysbek batyr STR., Taraz, private notary of Zhambyl region Nurkhanova Gaukhar Umirkhanovna conducted practical work. from 11: 00 to 13: 00 online through the Zoom program, the Chief Specialist of the Department of Justice of Zhambyl region Kozhamzharov Manas Mukhtarovich advocacy. Conducted a webinar on legal assistance in Kazakhstan. 

6.on 24.05.2021, from 11: 00 to 13: 00, The Zhambyl regional Bar Association, located at 51 Tole bi, Taraz, conducted practical work on consulting skills. from 11: 00 to 13: 00 in the clinic "Law", located in the 301 classroom of the Faculty of "Law", chief specialist of the Department of Justice of Zhambyl region Kuatbekov Altynay Kanatovich alimony. He gave a lecture on the work of private fire performers. 

8.on 26.05.2021, from 11:00 to 13:00, Taraz, 17 I. Suleimenov STR. (3rd floor), Sabira Adilbekovna Mombekova, a legal consultant of Zhambyl region, conducted practical work and consulting skills. 

9.on 27.05.2021, from 11:00 to 13:00, through the Zoom program, chief specialist of the Department of Justice of Zhambyl region Kuatbekov Galymzhan Kanatovich held an online seminar on the topic of protection of intellectual property rights. 

10. 28.05.2021 from 11:00 to 13: 00 in online format through the Zoom program Department of the Department of Justice of Zhambyl region 

head of the Department Sholpan Kopbaevna Tutkusheva gave a lecture on the work on registration of legal entities, civil status and rights to immovable property.