About the department
The Department of "Natural Science Specialties" was established in September 2017. Currently, it trains specialists in the educational programs of the bachelor's degree 6B05401 – "Mathematics", 6B05302 – "Physics" and 6B05301 – "Chemistry" and the master's degree 7M05401 – "Mathematics" and 7M05301 – "Physics" in accordance with state mandatory education standards. In 2021, the training of a specialist in the bachelor's degree program 6B01502 – "Mathematics and Physics" was launched. From 2017 to 2020, the head of the department was Mamaev Sh. Since September 1, 2020, A. B. Shyrakbayev has been the head of the department.
The educational program has a qualified teaching staff that ensures the implementation of the program in the relevant fields of knowledge. Indicators for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the teaching staff of the OP-by category, the department of "Natural Science Specialties" (full-time, part-time teaching staff) meets the qualification requirements, the requirements of the educational program being implemented, meets the goals of the personnel policy and the program of the developed institute.
The main resource for the implementation of the educational program 6B05401 - "Mathematics" is the teaching staff. Currently, the faculty of Mathematics includes 1 Doctor of Physical and mathematical Sciences, a professor and 3 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences.
The qualitative composition of the teaching staff of the educational program 6B05302 - "Physics" corresponds to its profile. Currently, the faculty of Physics includes 1 Doctor of Technical Sciences and 1 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and 1 PhD.
The qualitative composition of the teaching staff of the educational program 6B05301 - "Chemistry" corresponds to its profile. Currently, the faculty of OP Chemistry includes 2 doctors of chemical sciences.
The Department of "Natural Science Specialties" is one of the first created within the walls of the Institute. The teaching of students, the training of undergraduates and the choice of research topics were developed by the department jointly through international relations.
Composition of the department