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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

By head of the commercialization and patting sector of the international Taraz Innovative Institute named after Sherkhan Murataza Orynbasar Sabir Orynbasarovich was published an article entitled "A high Gain Deployable L/S Band Conical Helix Antenna Integrated with Optical System for Earth Observation CubeSats" in the high-level International Journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) publishes a third of the world's technical literature in such subject areas as bioengineering, optics, computer technology, nanotechnology, nuclear physics, optics, radiology. IEEE journals are the most cited in the world and one of the most popular, because they not only contain information that is significant for scientists, but also allow you to quickly publish research results in leading publications of the industry, the IEEE journal is read by more than 385,000 engineers worldwide, which makes it one of the leading scientific and engineering journals in the world. The journal covers a wide range of technical problems and achievements of computer technology, communications and electronics. As in standard journals, IEEE articles are trying to make available to non-specialists, although their engineering education is assumed. The journal's materials enjoy authority and are often cited by other publications.
The published article in such a highly-rated journal is the best indicator of the research work of an employee of our university, in the future we wish an increase in a number of such articles in rating journals.